
Pets Laboratory Testing at Cornwall Animal Hospital in Oakville

During your pet’s routine wellness exam, if it is suspected that something is wrong, it becomes important to conduct certain laboratory tests using the sample of the pet’s blood, urine, skin, hair, or feces. These tests are important so that the veterinarian can completely understand the pet’s underlying health status. We use well-recognized veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations. At Cornwall, Animal Hospital in Oakville will provide all required tests for a complete blood count.

Blood chemistry panel
Heartworm & Tick-Borne Disease Testing
Fecal examination
Allergy testing
Tick Analysis
Biopsy, histopathology
Culture and sensitivity

cornwall animal hospital
cornwall animal hospital

If your pet gets sick, laboratory test results will help the veterinarian to confirm the presence of certain illnesses and rule out other diseases. The veterinarian may also conduct laboratory tests during treatment for tracking the path of the disease and see how the pet responds to treatment. If the pet is scheduled for surgery, the veterinarian may conduct pre-surgical screening tests for determining whether or not the pet is at risk of complications while being under general anesthesia. These screening tests may be recommended for pets of all ages including young, healthy pets.


Pet Health Complications need to be Diagnose by Labs test

Our Veterinarian at Cornwall Animal hospital with the help of veterinary labs equipped with advanced lab testing equipment to diagnose pet health conditions. Pets of different ages bear different health complications that must be addressed timely. Our reliable and skilled vets can diagnose:
Cancerous/Tumor growth by biopsy /FNA
Heart disease
Hormonal Issues
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Tick Borne disease


Blood Tests for Mature Pets

For senior pets, a blood test is a must to plan effective preventative care strategies ahead of time. Generally, pet owners are unaware of the importance of a blood test. A blood test provides you a clear picture of the pet’s health condition. It makes the vet vigilant of a lot of anomalies existing in the pet’s body. Such anomalies can go undiscovered in a physical examination and come out as some serious or fatal ailment. Fortunately, a blood test can expose them and safeguard your pet’s life. There are several common diseases widely found in older pets that can be managed only if diagnosed at an initial stage.