Ticks —blood-sucking little arachnids— seem to be small at first sight, but the dangers they pose to both humans and their canine companions are far from trivial. With the cold weather out of sight, spring is here, and so are the ticks. Tick protection for yourself and your pet is essential. In this blog, we will discuss in full why preventing ticks should be a cause of concern for our health as well as that of our beloved pet.
Disease Transmission:
Tick bites have rightly earned their notoriety, as they are well-known disease vectors for Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Ehrlichiosis, among others. These diseases can take a variety of forms—symptoms can be similar to those of the flu or even severe neurosensory complications. By preventing tick bites, you significantly reduce the risk of these potentially life-altering diseases.
Shared Environment:
Dogs are outdoor lovers! They like to explore grassy fields, wooded areas, and other natural landscapes where ticks thrive. While they splash around in these locations, they unwittingly introduce ticks into our houses, bringing the potential threat of a tick bite Not only do you protect your pet to keep them from ticks, but the whole environment has been made a safer place for both you and your family too.
Silent Invaders:
Ticks are quiet invaders, as they could be difficult to be found by the host. Their tiny bodies and painless hypodermic needles make it easy for them to pass unnoticed, and thus they can feed for minutes undetected. Such nonchalant behavior notably enhances disease transmission chances, thus demonstrating how prevention measures should be proactive.
Year-Round Threat:
While tick activity levels peak during the warm months of the year, these insects have been known to survive even in more temperate conditions. At the same time, climate change provides milder winters accompanied by ticks spreading across their living areas, keeping the threat of the disease wide open.
Preventive Measures:
On the other hand, there are many preventative measures concerning tick bites that will be identified and advised to the reader. For humans, being covered by long sleeves and pants as well as the use of repellent with DEET are successful methods. Tick-checking is the primary prevention strategy after outdoor activities. Additionally, for dogs, since the tick prevention medications are topically or orally administered, ticks can be prevented through the use of tick collars and routine grooming as well.
In the battle against ticks, awareness and proactive prevention are our most potent weapons. Considering tick’s risks and applying preventive measures would help protect both you and your pet from unpleasant consequences. Thus, remember that now is the perfect moment to visit Cornwall Animal Hospital and enjoy each day fearlessly as you get ready for your next outdoor activity. With the right safeguards i.e. the best Oakville veterinarians, your shared experience of life’s great outdoors will be safer and more pleasurable.
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